Fort questions....
I've noticed playing several MP games now that a lot of players build several forts rather quickly (within the first few turns) and it got me to wondering (Dangerous I know, but bear with me). I seem to recall in Dom 2 that forts could compete with eachother over resources from adjoining provinces, meaning (I thought) to keep your forts spread out and perhaps not have too many. Have the mechanics in Dom 3 changed this? Example: Do forts increase, say income as well as resources for the province they are in? When's the 'best' time to build your second (third, fourth) fort?
Early game, forts seem too expensive and time consuming to me. I always look for chokepoints or resource heavy provinces to build my forts. But even then I don't usually have a lot of forts sprouting up in my games.
Thanks in advance for any replies.