With such a nice province I was concerned that if there is an obvious way to conquer it (storm the citadel) before the late game it may be very unbalancing (access to 4 magic paths, astral magic boosters, nice mages to cover the weaknesses in conquering nation). It's relatively easy (and important) to protect mages against Fires from Afar and Seeking Arrows, but my most concern is about murdering winter. I wonder if it is possible to set the scale to Heat+3 (and how efficient it would be against MW). There are obviously some other ways to kill off the mages, but they are either late game or rather slow and by the time significant amount of mages is killed it will be late game as well.
I didn't want to open that "trading" can of worms. It may be plausible, but from this perspective you can put pretty much anything you want on mages which would make all those "uber-mage" sites alike (and I was planning to come up with other ones - hopefully distinctly different). So I was trying to build the scenario viewing adepts of iron orders as rather smart and proficient in their areas, but not having competence outside of those. So I expected them to be pretty good at crafting items and building mechanical armies, but not at summonning or healing, for example.
Some of the units (like clockwork horrors and mechanical men) fit perfectly. I'm not entirely sure about Gargoyles, Watchers and Telestic Animates. Same for Living Statues. Maybe they could make few Crushers.
Of course, they could get Golems which is fitting, but should they go SC route? Well-equipped Golems could be an option. Can it be made random? Like if they would discover SC route in one game, but not in another. If it can be set so that there're 8 nicely equipped Golems (50% - 8 Golems, 50% - no Golems at all), that will be a nice idea
Btw, there's one remaining slot for magic sites - I couldn't think of anything suitable though - one of those gold or silver mine would fit thematically, but would make virtually no effect on gameplay.