So, last night, through no fault of my own, I came across what I would consider a major exploit of the game. Being a naturally honest person I immediately sent off 3 emails.
1. One to Aaron telling him of the bug
2. One to the host of one of my games. The Host has a right to know about bugs.
3. Another warning to one of my other hosts
I recieved 3 replies.
1. One from Aaron thanking me and telling me it's being fixed.
2. One from my first game host saying he trusts me not to abuse the knowledge. After all if I cheat I'm just ruining it for myself.
3......and one from my other host saying he doesn't trust me, he's kicking me from the game and looking for a replacement. This post may sound petty but I imagine he is now telling the other players I got kicked for cheating

. I was enjoying that game.
It's a sad reflection on today's society, and quite frankly a wonderful reward for being honest