0020 German artillery punding our rear area. Infantry platoon defending rear objective is suppressed. Artillery observer in the panicked for no reason at all. Our 152mm guns are *not* providing contrbattery fire. They keep telling that the army air recon didn't provide location of the german batteries, and the deep recon of the infantry divsion behind us don't wont work for them because we are not in their chain of command. Dolya gave them some more time. If they will not start contrbattery fire in couple of hours they should start provide close fire support.
Two our mortars run from the battlefield.
0040 4 SdKfz 231(8) appear on the south flank and fell under fire of our T-34/57 plt
In the center our KV and cavalry continue advance. Ski platoons move through the forest and took forest objective.
0050 all four SdKfz 231 destroyed by T34/57. Two SdKfz 222 appear on the north edge of the cental forest. Our KV shoot at them. Enemy started drop smoke. Seems Fritz main forces are not far now.