Looking for permanant subs in 3 games.
Hi my Dominion brothers,
I recently was offered a very lucrative job offer in the West Australian Gold Mines, and I'm leaving on the 6th of August to drive the 3400KM's to my new life.
Sooo.....I'd like to offer 3 sub positions for 3 games that I am playing.
Endoftime2 - Patala, doing okay in this game.
Epicheroes - Arcoscephale, doing quite well in this game, just about defeated Tien Chi and then the world could be your oyster...- Taken by GrayZ.
Armadillo - Doing okay, lots of players in this game, so inital grab for land was less then I'd like, still have some powerful armies etc.
First to apply gets it and I'll give you a report on what has happened, diplomacy etc, strategies etc.