Wyatt Hebert said:
Velusion: This is how I understand it. I have a level 5 mage. He can use up to 5 gems. Spells I want to cast:
Thunderbolt AAA, 75 fatigue (iirc). He will take 25 fatigue+Enc with no gems. Give him 5 gems. He will, most likely, spend 1 gem, making him A6, meaning he takes 12 Fatigue. In this case, he _cannot_ use any more gems. He cannot empower, nor does the spell cost gems.
Now, let's assume there was an A4 spell that cost 2 gems and 200 fatigue. FOr the following gem counts, this is what can happen:
0: Nothing. Not enough gems for spell.
1: Nothing. Not enough gems for spell.
2: Spell cast. Gain 100+Enc Fatigue (200/(5-4+1))
3: Spell Cast with extra gem for empowering. Gain 67+Enc Fatigue.
4: Spell cast, as 3 above, as empowerment limit and spell cost limit have been reached.
5: Spell Cast, as 4 above.
Is this correct, KO?
Wyatt Hebert
Um.... so why would he EVER use more than one gem over the casting cost if it has no effect on fatige?
Why is there a max limit of gems per level? Are you saying:
a W3 mage casting a spell that costs 3 gems could not commit an extra gem to help against fatige? In the same vein a W3 mage casting a W2 spell that costs 4 gems would simply not be able to cast it period?