Sadly I believe that all aspects of computer gaming are doomed.
I think the development of new PC type games, especially 4x and similar, has been back burnered for sometime now in favor of the development of new consul games. Regrettably, I don't see this ever changing for the betterment of PC games.
I can't play Company of Heroes or Supreme Commander on a console. At the moment, there's actually no console that's even remotely powerful enough to run either. That, and consoles do not have adequate controls for true RTS players.
Ditto for FPS. They can kludge it with analog controllers, but most FPS players I know who have touched a keyboard and mouse setup can never go back.
People have been lamenting the end of PC gaming since the days of the PS1. So far, it hasn't happened. I have a feeling that eventually consoles and PCs will eventually become so similar, the lines will be blurred to the point of nonexistance, but there will always be customizable, do-it-yourself PCs to be bought and built...and that's really the only difference between consoles and PCs in the context being described here.