Re: Pocket Lich gone Wild
Ironhawk said:
Thats interesting. If indies really can have artifacts tho that could be overpowered. Imagine finding Aegis or the Soulstone or something on turn 3!
As for Carcator's behavior: perhaps you had no spells researched that he could cast so he decided to go for melee?
No, I don't think so. I had plenty of death magic researched, since I was playing the Fomorians. He never casts spells in battle though. I'm still playing the game, and the commander still has Carcator. I'll let you know what he does when I get back to it.
Be forewarned, anything I post is probably either 1) Sophomoric humor, 2) Satire, 3) A gross exaggeration of the power I currently possess, 4) An outright lie, or 5) Drunken ramblings.
I occasionally post something useful.