Re: Epic Heroes Mod II-version 1.5(sign up!)
Thank you for the props on the Mod. Several other people contributed mightily to its development as well.
I think given the cast of characters in this game, no race will be great for a new player.
That said, the water offers the best protection and a new player took Ryleh. So if another newer player takes Oceania, then it could be a very fair fight beneath the waves.
Luck does increase the chance to get Worthy heroes by 1 percent per level of luck. So 3 luck gives you the base chance(3 percent) plus 3 percent. So a 6 percent chance per turn. Many of the Worthy Heroes are "Epic" themselves, so taking luck certainly could be a huge plus.
Luck has no effect on your free spawn. That is based on the strength of your dominion. The higher your dominion in the province where your Epic hero resides-the more free stuff you get.
With the Dominion summon Silver Orangs that Atlantis gets, it is in your best interest to take a strong dominion and leave your Epic hero in or close to the Capital.
I beefed Atlantis Epic Hero up a good bit. He produces 2d gems a turn. He also has "Death Touch," a 1 shot attack similar to a life for a life. He free spawns low level skellies AND Silver Orangs in strong dominion only.
Silver Orangs are quite good-especially on land where they have a ranged cold attack. The Silver Orangs are a dominion Summon, which frees up the Epic Hero to site search with Dark Knowledge while still mass producing a tough unit(in a strong dominion only).
My advice for Atlantis is to make make use of Death magic of your Epic Hero to get into Banelords once you move on to land. Key things for Atlantis_
1. try and get the Water Queens(along the way you can get banelords).
2. Frozen Heart/falling frost
But I have never played any of the water races-not my thing. So you may get better advice from Tyrant, Evilhomer, or another of the Kings of Water.
But yes, Atlantis is likely your best chance to prosper in this game.
Since we have 2 new players in the water, I will strive to make the map "friendly" to water races.
"War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula."
- General George Patton Jr.