Magic For Dummies?
I have spent some time looking around the forums for some general tips on magic strategy. While there are lots of pieces here and there, and much is obviously context-specific such as strategies for certain nations and ages, I would love to hear some general tips from the pros (or links to other relevant threads). If it must be context-specific, then I would throw out MA Ulm / EA Neifelheim / LA Jormon as examples where I could use some advice.
Do you generally focus on:
1. construction to outfit your commanders/Pretender
2. conjuration for more units
3. evocation for some battle spells
4. others?
Is there a commonly used path eg construction to 4 for magic boosters, then evocation for battle spells?
It seems magic research paths should be an essential part of strategy for each nation / pretender combo and I am sure there are an infinite variety but that is what is getting me in to trouble – I do not even know where to start.
i crossed blades with the mightiest warriors of the golden age. i witnessed with sorrow the schism that led to the passing of legends. now my sword hangs in its scabbard, with nothing but memories to keep it warm.