Is there a list of possible Wishes anywhere?
I'm in late mid/end SP game and my Pretender can drop a Wish a turn. I've been playing with the spell to see what is and isn't possible and how to use it effectively.
So far I've found out how to
Receive 100 magic gems
Summon some creatures I don't have the magic background for -- others don't seem summonable
Create magic items I don't have the background for
Increased the Pretender's ability scores
Death was fun
Armageddon wasn't
Dominion didn't seem to offer much that I could see
Wealth wasn't too noticable
Magic knowledge isn't possible (I have them all)
So far the best effects seem to be the loss-less transmutation (if I need a particular gemtype) and the summoning/creating items from other magic lists.
Is there anything I've missed?
On another note, I tried to Wish for a Tarterian, but that couldn't be granted. I take it the tarterians have unique names that I don't yet know?