Does anyone else hear chittering?
Hmm, strategy change eh? Interesting.
I do actually have dominion 8 and six temples, but strangely it isn't spreading very well. I suspect Bandar Log and Man have strong dominions themselves which are squishing mine. I can't imagine what you mean about the bless.
Anyway, noone needs to worry about me. Once magic comes into play... ugh. My best non-capital mage is just E1!! Occasionally E2, but I've only had one of them so far. Also of course, New Ulm is defending the purity of the world, and has no interest in war other than the destruction of blasphemies. If you're not a blasphemy, you need not fear the White Priests of Ulm.
Finally, what's the single thing everyone knows about rats in general and skaven in particular? That's right -
they exaggerate a lot.