Re: The Marignon-Eriu War
"A few month later, Rhea found herself relaxing in her home. Home ! Strange word for such a place, yet it had no other name. She had most of what she wanted now : relative peace, an interesting job (for a little more time, she was told).
The events of last months had been hectic at best, but somehow, it worked out fine. The strange men from the Vanheim nation left as she was moving in. And that province really was a treasure to behold : magnificent pines and trees and mountains that rivalled in beauty the forest where she was born.
As soon as she arrived, she was contacted by the local shamans... and they were waiting for her arrival. She took upon herself to start building a temple and a lab, only to have the order come a few days later. A few month later, the locals even build a fortress in her honor.
Truly, this was a magnificent place, blessed by ancient gods..."
Often I must speak other than I think. That is called diplomacy.
* Stilgar
Show me a completely smooth operation and I'll show you a cover up. Real boats rock.
* Darwi Odrade