Re: I try to patch Dominions on Mac, but no luck!
The strange thing is that Argitoth's second post show the output of the patching script, and it shows no errors. If you look at the script in a text editor, it is nothing more than a bunch of file copies. Presumably the reason you move the application to the desktop is to make the file paths predictable.
Since the entire application is replaced, one would expect you could start from whatever version you like. On the other hand, it is plausible that some associated resources (maps, sounds, unit data) might not be in the last patch. But the fact that he's seeing v3.00 in the game is a bigger issue.
Argitoth: with the Dominions application still on the Desktop (the actual application, not the folder), why don't you try opening the Terminal (from your Utilities folder) and typing this:
~/Desktop/ -v
This will give you another version number, to verify that it wasn't updated.
You haven't renamed the actual application, have you? That might screw up the patching.