Concerning immobilized vehicles: I am aware of the quick-fix solution but the problem - besides the unrealistic time of recovery - is that AVREs and the like will also very likely get stuck in that hex, as the other tanks are stuck in there for a reason - if I imagine my ongoing PBEM... my opponent would wish for such an engineer vehicle, he's got about 15 tanks and IFVs stuck in stream and swamp hexes

but I am quite sure he's get even more angry as the engineer tank would not make it out of the second mud hole,,, therefore I don't see a solution for this to be done (UNLESS you mod the engineer tank into a Heavy Helo class and give it cyrry capacity=255... + the approbriate SLOW speed... THEN it would be possible to recover anything without getting bogged down!! But this could also be abused easily,,,
Another issue:
I am not sure if this has been mentioned - but in MBT an SPWW2 it's often the case that already-won battles carry on endlessly because the enemy - esp. if it's in a PBEM - still has 1-2 squads left and is annoyingly hiding them and trying to recapture a V-Hex. I understand that there's this force-broken thing embedded already but IMHO this should be tweaked. Hunting down routed crews may be fun in a game or two but it's annoying and an enemy who holds one V-Hex out of 20 with a few men still has lost the battle and is should be over earlier - not so for the AI, though.