Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Heh. Yeah, this was *not* a good turn for the home team. Abysia's battle was wierd; when I play the battle back, I see my Attack-Rear undead horsemen get caught just *past* the gates, stuck on...nothing. At all. Strange...
Much, much nastier was the loss of most of an entire army up north, trying to take out an Agarthan castle. Summoned Agarthan statues blocking the only, narrow entrance = *BAD THING*. Abysia's battle was a lucky shot. Agartha's battle was a bloody nose. ; )
As I said, I'm not as powerful as I look on the graphs.
I'm already recovering, and I'll get you in the end, Agartha! But just to add insult to injury, my only random events this turn--despite *Luck 3*--were the loss of a temple and the loss of 200 gold. I think I'm going to go sit in the corner and sulk for a while...; )