is this possible?
Is it possible to make a nation's units recruitable in provinces they've conquered WITHOUT having to build a castle there first? I was just wondering if there was some way the game could be modded to where, for example, MA Ulm could recruit Infantry of Ulm at any province they've conquered, regardless of whether they've built a castle there or not. I'm just talking about the basic infantry of a nation. You know, the two or three recruitable soldiers furthest to the left on every nation's recruit list. MAYBE a basic commander, but no advanced soldiers, commanders, or priests/mages.
In a role playing sense it would mean that a commander could refresh his forces from the population of the countryside and not need to go to a castle every time his numbers started to dwindle. Sure he wouldn't be able to get any elite soldiers, but it could sustain the war effort for just a little while longer.
In a gameplay sense it could make for warfare to be more fluid and faster paced. Instead of recruiting a commander and waiting until a large enough force is built, you could recruit a commander and send him on a path to the front line, all the while recruiting infantry in the provinces he'd be visiting en route so by the time he got to the front lines he'd have an army and you'd have saved yourself a couple turns of having the commander just wait around.
I just want to know if its possible, and if it is, how to impliment it.