Hey, I'm taking as a sub for a MP game (this is almost my first serious MP game), where the previous players were asleep as the wheel and/or made some bad choices. Now that I'm the new commander, does anyone have suggestions on how I can go about removing myself from pointless wars started by the previous guy? Any advice on wheedling, haggling, finagling, huckerism, horse trading, moose trading, and veiled threats will be gladly accepted!
Also, what are points usually covered in peace negotiations? Is there a standard set of points that experienced players usually cover? If there was such a thing as a standard Dom 3 diplomatic boilerplate or form letter for negotiating NAP treaties, what would it look like? Basically I am interested in presenting terms that will be acceptable to both parties and are generally accepted as practical. Someone mentioned something like NAP-3 or NAP-5, but I'm not clear on what the specifics of these are. Thanks in advance.