Fantastic report Zenzei!
Just as a note: Dust to dust with 1 mage? Did you check it in SP? Ithas an awfull precision son it is better to have it casted multiple times by small boys than a pretender. Also I do not understand why Jomon leaded a communion for the mind duel. Did you know that the communion bonus is not added to the S level for astral? you only use innate bonus, not even items.
Regarding the power relations I do not think I am so ahead. Until ths turn I had less research than Midgard and this can change easily taking into consideration the number of forts we all have (we are tied with 4!). You had very bad research and see now where you are!
I have more provinces because you were figthing Jomon in the south and he had his main armies there, now I think that I will be punished by him and it will probably hurt.

. Nothing is decided yet.
Of my 2 thugs (well at leat I think they are thugs, not SCs, your god is an SC, this are thugs) one died last turn. The wonderful fire bless bug converted my frost brand in a one shot weapon and the poor boy was anihilated by the samurai warriors

So well I really think that this game still has many things to say: I just watched recent Midgard fight and I have to admit that I was impressed. However Jomon will probably take care of his upkeep problem soon

(if he has it).
BTW I knew there should be an explanation to your drop in army size.