The nation of Sauromatia is about to be assaulted by the huge horde of insane demonic monkeys. 400 of them will smash into our border castle next turn. They are clearly possesed by evil spirits, for all attempts of communication with them have failed. They seem to be very pissed at our nation because they have attacked us last turn.

Clearly the warped demonic logic is beyond comprehension by mortals and gods alike.
Since they seem to be hellbent on destroying Sauromatia, in their bloodlust they have left most of their lands undefended. So if any neighbor of this corrupted nation would like to take advantage of their madness and get some of Lanka's territory, now is a perfect time to do it.
Meanwhile the Sauromqtia Empire is mobilizing for a difficult war. Demons will not find themselves welcomed in our swamps. Our God will protect His land and His beloved children against forces that have escaped the Infernal Zoo.
Death to Demon Monkeys!