Kristoffer O said:
You are on track. Max nbr of gems are mage lvl. This includes casting cost and increase lvl cost.
thejeffs example is correct.
A mage can only use one gem to empower himself during a casting. This is the only way for him to reduce fatigue. He will not use more gems then one to reduce fatigue, and fatigue is only reduced as a side effect of him being temporarily more powerful.
There's a bug, then. In a test game last night, I gave an E9 Cyclops orders to cast Earthquake (E4, 300 fatigue) twice and gave him 7 gems just in case he decided to use one gem to reduce fatigue.
He cast it once using 6 (3 + 3 for fatigue) gems and didn't have enough gems for the other. By the way, he ended with 40 fatigue after one casting, and would have had 60-odd if he had done it with only 3 gems, so the bug makes casting much more costly in gems and not much cheaper in fatigue.