Astorax said:
Astorax said:
I have decided on playing a Halfling Rogue. He is the bomb. That is all.
That seems pretty emphatic to me. 
Also, Nocturnal, JFries from the #D&D IRC channel is making a cleric to play so if you want to make a wizard that would be great.
Astorax - Rogue
JFries - Cleric
Randalw - Warlock
Nocturnal - Wizard?
I'm not sure what Douglas will be playing or sarcasac.
As for a time, I'm free all the time, really.
Perfect! I'm an Eladrin Wizard then.

And I am going to roleplay one insufferably cocky bastard.

We're using the point-buy system for stats, is it 32 points to spend? How much gp does a stuffed cloth cushion cost? I like to fight my battles seated and with an air of mocking disinterest.
You gotta rope Douglas and sarcasac into playing fighters, or it'll be funny to watch all these helpless magic-users getting massacred.
Narf: noon for you is still the middle of the night on this side of the puddle. Since it's Saturday (or Friday night here) I can do it, no problem. I rather not be up and about during daylight anyway.
Synchronize watches here.