Re: FreshMeat - 12 Max - EA Newbie - (PLAYERS JOIN
I'm up for Cradle now, or whatever the game organizer decides. I have had one or two small problems with neighbor connectivity before, but I've always liked the pure randomness of capital placement in random maps, just seemed to make it a lot spicier. But I liked your point on the openness of random maps, too. As long as it's not Glory of Gods; man that map is just pure crap! No mobility whatsoever. Cradle looks pretty fun to me.
50 sounds good for magic sites, too. Really it's the 7 indy strength that concerns me the most. That's a 40% increase from default, and can change a lot of things.
Other than that, I have no concerns. Er, llamaserver is PBEM isn't it? We could possibly get Gandalf Parker to host a network game on his server; it's sooo much easier and friendlier...