Re: Results of 200 shots.
The lucky shots trouble me too.
I'll be honest here, I am a cheat! I always save my games at the begining of a turn, and if I loose something important to a 1% shot, or if my last milan round fails to hit the enemies last tank, despite a 99% hit chance, I simply load the turn up again. It is because to do otherwise makes the previous two hours of playing feel pointless, if everything else was done right.
I am torn though, because I do see that there should be wild cards, and a 1% chance to hit, is still a very real chance. In games terms however, I sometimes think I want some things to be more concrete.
I sometimes wish you could have a 'fluke cut-off' point ie below 10% to hit, will always miss and above 90% will always hit. That sort of thing.
Or an optional firing button that instead of firing each shot seperately, it would fire all 'at once' and guarantee your odds ie if you have 6 shots and a 50% hit chance you would always get 3 hits.