All those who have had trouble with the instructions in the mapedit.pdf, please let me know what the most problematic commands are, what information is missing and what could use clarification.
I figured that as long as we're getting a new modding manual, we might as well go for broke and toss in a new Mapmaking manual too. I have a fairly complete draft version ready and the following things have already been somewhat addressed and clarified, but if you feel like commenting on them wrt the original mapedit.pdf, please feel free.
- Map file parsing vs game setup, what happens where
- #terrain command and terrain masks explained in significant detail
- Poptype command and how it works wrt independent province defenders, including how to set NI poptypes.
- #feature & #knownfeature and how they work wrt unique sites and how #knownfeature works wrt "on discovery" properties of sites
- Clarification of formatting and where number information can be used
- Whole document reorganized for easier readability
- Some clarification on god commands, but I'd like feedback on just what information exactly is missing and how they work, limitations etc.
- All tables updated to contain complete information. No need to refer to mod manual for nation numbers.
That's the main highlights. Now, sing out. This is your chance to give feedback and affect things.