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Old July 14th, 2008, 10:21 AM

Xietor Xietor is offline
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Default Complete List of MA Heroes(base game).

A weekend of extensive testing of every middle era nation
has yielded what i believe to be a complete list of the base game heroes for the middle era. I added the unit id numbers for each hero as well.

It is possible I missed a hero. Basically I created games, sometimes 2 or 3 per race, with luck 3, and clicked through 200 turns. So while it is possible a hero escaped detection,
it is not likely.


Throne of Heroes

1. Arcoscephale:
Pathos- Son of Titans (954)
Asterios- Monster in the Maze (1089)
Orokestes –Hierophant (587)
Daidalos- Maker of the Maze (1073)


2 Ashdod
Shashai, first son of Anak (2048)
Ahiman , second son of Anak (2047)
Talmai, third son of Anak(2049)

3. Abysia
Chuzrael the Slayer(867)
Rago, Rage Lord(539)
Ba’ al Chozron, Anathemant Warlock (581)

4. Agartha
Klaus, Mason of the Underworld (1848)
Golag, Decrepit (1847)
Kin-Breaker, Onyx Oracle (1846)


5. Atlantis
-Chuddar Kadul, Seer King (558)
-Shudul Cthuda, Coral Prince (373)

6. Bandar Log

None Found!

7. Caelum:
-Zaelinys, Harab Seraphine(557)
-Caelos, Sacred One (556)


8. C`tis
Niklatu, Lizard Hero (379)
Urugallu, Lizard Hero (380)
Murmur, Guild Master (585)
Kabti’ili, Ancient Shaman (635)

9. Eriu
Tuan, Last Partholonian(1794)
Ferdiad, Fir Bolg Hero (1777)
Cu Chulainn, Hero (1778)
Scathach, Trainer of Heroes(1844)

Mathghamhain, Fianna(1806)

10. Ermor:
-Zirru, Grand Thaumaturg(977)
-Mortius Scythe Wielder (868)


11. Jotunheim
-Tjatse, Abductor (1382)
-Angerboda, Great Hag (586)
-Sporsnjall, Wolf Lord (508)

12. Machaka
Mchumba, Ape Oracle (1706)
Ainra, Lady of Spiders (946)
Abasi, Hero(952)
Yasini, King Triumphant (953)
Mwaka, Crowned Ape (1426)

13. Man
-Bernlad, Green Knight (376)
-Rhianne, Heroine (381)
-Brangwen, Blind One (582)

-Knight of the Stone (58)

14. Marignon
Angelique d'Armant (588)
Carmont, Cardinal (583)
Tomaso del Monferrada, Witch Hunter General (589)

15. Mictlan:
Mixcoatl, Priest King (1886)
Topiltzin, Priest King (1884)
Mictlipoctli, King of Legends (933)

16. Oceania

None Found!

17. Pangaea
Taurotyrannos, Black Bull (611)
Rams Head, White Satyr (770)
Arcopythera, Harpy Queen (614)
Menopathos, White Minotaur (540)

18. Pythium
Marius Lorca, Hero(505)
Hierogallus, Hero (Serpent Lord)(506)
Bartholomäus, Patriarch (584)
Master of the Games(37)

19. R'lyeh
Auluudh, Aboleth(660)
Cthugul, Stargazer (560)
Shubejc, Visitor (1408)

Traitor Prince (444)

20. Shinuyama
Yukinaga, Heart Hider(1670)

21. Tien Chi
Lu Tung Pin, immortal (943)
Ho Hsien-KU, immortal (942)
Li Tìeh-Kua, Master with Iron Crutch (944)

22. Ulm
Raterik the Hero (378)
Hildegard the Heroine (507)
Barthulf the Hero (377)

23. Vanheim
Vanlade, Hero (590)
Farbaute, Hero (544)

"War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula."
- General George Patton Jr.
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