A different style of playing multi-player Dom 3
I'm thinking about hosting a game where communication with less than all of the players in the game is not allowed. Private PM's are not allowed, in game or here via the forum PM system. No alliances allowed. No trading allowed.
The only communication allowed is a message to everyone, using the game's messaging system or posting here on the game's thread, and then it is still against the rules to state something which reveals anything about a nation's position or strength.
What that means is that there is basically NO communication allowed about the game, at all. All communication in the game is done though moving your units around. You shouldn't be surprised if your troop movements get misinterpretted as threatening and you get attacked, because you are already automatically at war with every neighbor and you are also not allowed to talk to one another.
As an example, you can't even post "Hey Agartha, don't attack me." Because that would reveal something about the map positions, and people would thereby know that you and Agartha share a border. It basically breaks down to all war, all the time. There is no peace at all, ever. When you encounter a neighbor, you are at war...for the rest of the game. There is no communication allowed.
This is the Dominions 3 dimension where none of the races share a common tongue. It makes some sense. How would the fish people ever communicate with the bird men? It's the "Tower of Babel Game". Every race speaks a unique language, and none of them are able to communicate.
Secret alliances would be considered dishonorable cheating. You are totally on your own in this game. The only way you will have a clue what is happening is by studying the statistic charts, and by listening to your scouts. No one is allowed to tell you what is currently happening, or what their plans are. No one can tell you anything - it's every man for himself.
Two vs one wars, etc., could happen, but not due to planning, only due to circumstance. Your scout network becomes more important in a game of this type. I would like to host a game like this, eventually.
What do people think about playing a game with this rules set? Is there any interest? Can anyone think of any issues that may arise? The way we always play Dom 3 is commonly referred to as Free For All style, or FFA. The style of play that I'm suggesting was invented by a player named "cton". I'll call it "Tower of Babel" style.
"When you have to kill a man, it costs nothing to be polite." - Winston Churchill