This is a continuation of my post concerning Sauromantia, really. I just switched to Mictlan due to the easier access to both blood mages and astral casters.
So, I built myself a cache of five-six Nauhatlis (the wereturkey wizards from Mictlan), which were set to cast Communion slave, and then fire at the closest enemy, as I lack decent astral spells for the moment, and I dont want to lose their fatigue due to repeated castings of useless stuff, or, even worse, blinking into enemy lines. The communion is led by a King of Rain, and two Priest Kings, one of which is my prophet, empowered onto blood four (soon five), and sort of imagine like this

And another communion, led by the Coautl hero and a priest of the moon, which has four slaves. I know it´s a low number, but in this communion I was trying out something different: the moon priest was starfireing the enemy, and casting reinvirgoration from time to time, while the Couautl (blood 2) casted agony and blood burst around. The idea is that the slaves would be kept fatigue-free for the first five turns, after which, hopefully, my casters wouldnt try any dramatic stuff, and hopefully stick to mind burns and the occassional imp summons (which, due to their level two blood magic, costs justs a hundred, right? which would have meant that each slave got only twenty fatigue. Right?)
Boy, was I wrong about that
Then, as fate had it, in that battle turn, my researchers discovered blood five, I think. And communicating, the casters had increased blood level. Which meant that the Couatl decided it was a good moment to cast that level five battlefield-wide lifesteal., leaving all my slaves at 200 fatigue, and the healthbar all red. Four mindburns later, they were all dead.
So, how should I have managed this? Is there any way to keep some spells from being cast?