I don't care, I just wanted to try them out finaly... but whatever, I didn't want to start some kind of whine contest about wether or not they are overpowered(I guess its better with one water nation with 40 water provinces all for himself). If this has to get to some kind of vote or whatever, i'll rather just withdraw from the game right away.
Originally Posted by Hoplosternum
Originally Posted by Janlm
Originally Posted by DonCorazon
Firewalker! Welcome back.
I don't necessarily object to R'yleh/Ermor, but would vote against them if there were a vote.
If you have no objection, whats that post about then?
Anyways, I've never played la r'lyeh before, and i can promise you i'm not a very good player. So if r'lyeh is overpowered or not won't matter much really
The question you have to ask yourself Janlm is do you want to play them
No one can have you next door without suffering badly so people will gang up on you early and often. You are killing off a lot of diplomatic options for the (all be it decent) chance to win by taking a very powerful but very toxic power.
If you want to be enemy number one then keep R'yleh. But whether you are good or not won't stop your dom killing off your neighbours pop or driving their leaders mad. So you won't have many friends even if you are propping up the score graphs