Originally Posted by VALIS
I understand I didn't have to make the woodcut. Found art somehow seems to still be regarded as valid in the art community, even if the artist didn't design or build the piece themselves. It's the finding of and the displaying of that give it value. I know you mean it didn't require *much* graphical work. There was some minor work required.
I don't see that you actually did anything other than drop white dots on a random image. I don't care about your 'found art' waffle because it'a a fricking game map. Besides it's amusing that you're quite happy to call that 'found art' and even describe it as 'creative' yet in the very same post deride people for using copyrighted material and existing fantasy maps. I guess the difference is you're an 'artist' right?
Personally I think the difference is their maps are actually going to be played and bring further enjoyment to the community.
I didn't say it was easy.
Yes you did. It was more or less the first thing you said. Right before you started knocking everyone elses efforts.
Where are the original *fantasy* maps, is all I'm wondering. A battle across the planes, or the clouds, or in the treetops. None of that, just 'copyrighted map/copyrighted map/map from an older game/map from an older game/map made with crappy mapping program'.
You basically just described several of the maps in the map list and map/mod browser. There are a few with floating islands / sky provinces. There are others with provinces at the top of huge yggdrasil world tree style things. And there are plenty with the concept of planes of elements, light, darkness, magic etc.
I'm not slamming them all. :-) Some are quite nice.
Yes you are. In the paragraph immediately preceeding this very quote and by implication in this very quote itself. It's pretty obnoxious. If you want anyone to give your 'work' even the slightest chance I suggest you knock it off.
I just don't understand why I can increase the map total available on this site by 5% in one day years after the release date of this game. :-)
Probably because most people try to take time making maps that will actually be played and enjoyed. You certainly haven't added 5% to the volume of quality maps that will see play.