Re: Trample balance discussion
I think we had these discussions before. And elephants are not overpowered. the issue was allowing them to be mixed with infantry boosting their morale.
But elephants cost 100 gold, and 3 10 gold spearmen should really not be a counter to them in general. And I do not think reducing their size or trampling is an answer either.
I have been on the receiving end of an elephant blitz at the hands of a very good player using MA Arcos and backing up the horde of elephants with squads of soul slaying astrologists.
I was playing MA Pangaea(3 order no free spawn), and managed to deal with them just fine. No it is not a fun experience, but neither is ghost riders, earth attacks, disease demons, seeking arrows, mind hunts, etc. And I suffered heavy losses. But when arcos invests many thousand gold in his elephants, you should suffer heavy losses to stop his army.
"War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula."
- General George Patton Jr.