Re: Standards - MA Game (running)
My apologies to my opponents. My battles with Vanheim and Ry'leh both executed in ways I had not planned. The problem with Vanheim was that units I had planned on staying left for the battle against Ry'leh. I beleive I would have won had I the critical mass I thought I had.
As for Ry'leh. My apologies. Every scenario I wanted to avoid happened anyhow due to several scripting mistakes and incorrect assumptions. Yet I managed to win, something that shouldn't have happened. I need to rein in that nature three mage who decided to cast Touch of Madness on slingers. I also need to know from now on that astral spells will likely target you mages over the shambler thralls. How embarrassing.
All is well though. I'll take special care these next few rounds. Especially when swapping units from two different provinces. As for Ashodod, well done. I think I've got solution to those sacreds though. Let's round three begin.
Last edited by AreaOfEffect; October 9th, 2008 at 08:49 PM..