Victoria is an LA game at turn 61 and R'lyeh player can not continue to play.
He has an excellent position in one of the map corners and has very solid economy, research and army. Since its late in the game I think its a good opportunity to get to know the best parts of LA R'lyeh w/o having to go through all the start and mid game.
As I see it, R'lyeh has a good shot at victory in this game.
All in all I reckon the potential sub will find this quite interesting and rewarding.
If you're interested in subbing please post here or PM me.
You won't regret it
05/12/08, EDIT: R'lyeh is once again in need of a sub. It is in good shape and I estimate to be either first or second in overall ranking ATM.
06/12/08, EDIT: Jomon is also in need for a sub.