Originally Posted by TwoBits
LA R'lyeh will have to 'nerf' it's own Dreamlands fun, just in order to fund it's own existence. So that would mean a lot less random void-beings, many fewer free cultist commanders, and a whole lot less INSANITY - all the things that make LA R'lyeh such a fun race to have in the game. Basically, it would wind up like a gimped MA R'lyeh.
Well and that just won't do - and it's the crux of the war between balance and theme.
Honestly I think most people would agree that some sort of change would benefit the game as a whole, however it would be hard to get someone who has actually played R'lyeh, to not agree that insuring all freespawns are free of upkeep, must accompany a reduction in cash-flow.
Personally I think that doubling the popkill rate will be plenty of a balancing factor. At that point, it already becomes useless to try to use Growth to mitigate poploss and to "farm" your peasantry.
Any change that forces R'lyeh to limit Dom spread in order to maintain viability, will kill their ability to survive (the Temporal has a high Void resistance?). So ultimately, the mechanics need to work out so that R'lyeh can continue to function, while pushing their Dom outward. This means minimizing upkeep costs - or else there is no reason that they will not stagnate and wither away sooner than later.
Also, and probably too difficult to implement - it would likely help if normal "mortal" troop types simply stopped spawning altogether in any "barren" territories. Where are all of these Tritons coming from? No one lives there!