Re: CPCS - CrossPathCombatSpells - v0.2 is out!
Burnsaber: Oh, it's possible, but not from an AI perspective. The deviation of a spell is dependent on both the range of the spell and its precision, correct? Thus, what's to stop
Curse of Avalon
Range: 30
Prec: -10 (very important)
AoE: 10
Effect: Grants Luck (MR negates easily)
Secondaryeffectalways: Curse (no MR)
Sure, the computer will try to use this as a buff, not a debuff... but what if the computer can't target it more than a 'general area'? My experience is that in 'large battles' the spell will overlap offensive and defensive lines at times.
Once you get the computer to cast it, you can tune the precision of the spell to hit in the general area without always hitting the people you want.
Oh, also... is there any way to get a Battlefield Enchantment version of Haunted Forest?