Adding or removing provinces from an existing map has proven to be a hassle and this problem seems to come up again and again in the forums. Pixel Fixer is a cross-platform, standalone executable that will adjust existing province numbers and output a new, fixed map file.
From the included "Help" text:
Dominions Pixel Fixer 1.00
Author: ballbarian AT gmail DOT com
So you want to remove (or add) a province to an existing
map, but this will completely screw up the province
numbering in the map file. This means neighbors will be
twisted into an unrecognizable maze of arrows and many
provinces will show the wrong terrains and names, etc.
Pixel Fixer will hopefully make adjusting your map less
1. Make sure that PixelFixer.exe and PixelFixer.cfg are in
the same directory as your ".map" file.
2. Open PixelFixer.cfg in the text editor of your choice.
3. Change the settings as needed. Leave the three comment
lines that begin with a dash "-". You want to edit the
last three lines only. The first is the name of your map
file, but leave of the ".map" extension. The second is
the province number, and the third is "add" or "remove".
4. Run PixelFixer.exe
5. Find "" in the same directory as
your original map file.
6. If you were removing a pixel then you are done. Easy!
7. If you were adding a pixel then you have a little more
work to do. Open the fixed map file and manually add any
terrain, neighbor, landname, start info for the new province
as necessary. Pixel Fixer has fixed the existing provinces,
but you will need to add the new info for the added province
I built this quickly using existing, raw, bare bones code that I had used for fixing my own maps and made it configurable so that modifying the code would no longer be necessary. I have only done minimal testing with this new creature, so let me know if you have any problems.