I had a couple more ideas. I promised that I won't do any more of these buff-spells with drawbacks, but hear me out. Besides I'm scrapping the F/S debuff-buff spell and making it jsut a regular buff-spell, so I have "slots" for more!
S/E: Mind over Matter: The caster forcefully rips the bodies some of his troops from the material plane, halfway into the astral plane. This will make the troops ethereal and hard to hit by non-magical means. However, the affected will lose the benefit of any non-magical armor as it will just slide through their ethereal bodies. The plunge to the astral plane might also attract attention from horrors beyond the veil. (Grants ethereal but destroys armor and might horror mark (mr resists?))
There isn't any large AoE grant ethereal spell in the game. You can use "Body Ethereal", but you need a lot of mages. I wondering if I should scrap the horrormarking. I'm just thinking that this could be a dat too good with "army of lead", "army gold" and "protection" to ignore the penalty.
D/W: Baptism of Hades (needs a better name): The necromancer soaks some of his troops by water from the river Styx, the stream of dead souls from Hades. Like the legendary hero Achilles, the troops will get nigh unpenetrable skin, but the stream of the dead is fickle and will grant many weaknesses too. (Grants barkskin, stoneskin, ironskin and invulnerability, giving -50% FireRes, -50% FrostRes, -75% Shockres, -100% Poisonres)
Invulnerability is out of reach to normal troops in Vanilla, and for a good reason. But this might be a balanced way to introduce it. Any thoughts if I should actually make it better? The resistance maluses are pretty crippling. Especially late game.
Originally Posted by VedalkenBear
Burn: I'm well aware of what effect Feeblemind has on SCs. That was the point.
Umm.. No? This is not a "balance" mod. Unresitable feeblemind is just no fun. And if I made it, it would jsut warp the late-game to revolve around that single spell.
Originally Posted by VedalkenBear
I had an idea for a Blood/Astral combat spell, but I don't think it can be done. Can you create a spell that does 'Astral Corruption' for the length of a combat? That is, any non-Blood spell cast has a chance to call a Horror to the battle?
Yeah, it's not possible.
Originally Posted by VedalkenBear
Spectral Blades
Range: 40+
Fat: 30-
Prec: 1
NoE: 10+
Target: 1 person
Damage: 14 (AP, MR negates)
SecondaryEffect: Illusion-kill (whatever the effect of the Eye of the Void is)
If I decide to scrap Mind over matter, I'll probably do something like this. Illusion-kill is not possible however. But you just need 1 AN damge to nail those illusion(ed) bastards so a similar effect should be possible.
Originally Posted by VedalkenBear
Another option:
Summon Phantasmal Mammoth
SE (perhaps AE)
Range: 0
Fat: 80-
Effect: Battle-summon Phantasmal Mammoth
Phantasmal Mammoth
HP: 1
Prot: 0
Att/Def: 8
Mor: 15
MR: 13
Enc: 3
Size: 6
Graphic: Elephant
Ethereal, Trample
I decided not to any new units in this mod. The advantage of not using any monsternumbers/nationnumbers/sitenumbers is so good, that I'm not going to give it up. This kind of mod is best when it's 100% non-clashing with any other mod. Want use these spells with Skaven? Tomb Kings? CBM? Go ahead!
Originally Posted by VedalkenBear
Blighted Troops
Range: 30+
Fat: 40-
AoE: 1+
Damage: 30+ (stun)
Secondaryeffect: Decay
Hmm, slightly improved Ghost Grip. I like it.
Thank you guys! If you like the "Mind over Matter" and "Baptism of Hades", I should have all main spell slots filled! Now I just need 3 more UW combat spell, if they could be single path, that'd be awesome.