Update: Current admin for the game is Juffos. Contact him for your extension needs.
Greetings, fellow pretenders. I have been thinking of hosting another game for a while now, and decided to go for a middle age this time. I would like people to play their nation, and not leave without a word. If you have real-life issues that can't be avoided, I understand. If you know you will be going for a long time, please find yourself a sub, or at least set yourself to AI and inform me about it.
Without further useless babbling, I present you with Beyond.
Middle Age.
19 players (16 land, 3 water - Yes this means that someone will have to play MA Oceania). Ashdod reserved for some new player, no experienced players for them, thanks
Doesn't matter how experienced you are - you learn by playing, and I hope you play to have fun
Asia Twist (wraparound)
CBM 1.41.
Victory Conditions: Either remaining players vote on winner or last pretender still in the race.
Hosting will be done on
llamaserver, 27h/turn for start, moving to 51h/turn later on.
All other settings normal but renaming on and 15 HoF entries. Magic sites at 50.
Non-aggression pacts / trades / whatever you conduct diplomatically are not enforced. Don't quit the game if you get backstabbed. You can of course inform other players about the treachery - but what happens in this game should not be dragged into other games.
Then, to the business. Players:
Land nations: 16/16
Abysia - Dragar // Defeated
Agartha - Fantomen // Defeated
Arcoscephale - Incabulous // Defeated
Ashdod - GrudgeBringer // Defeated
Bandar Log - Quitti // Defeated
Caelum - Agarthan Raider // Defeated
C'tis - Jazzepi // Defeated
Jotunheim - Zapmeister // Defeated
Machaka - Juffos
Marignon - hEad // Defeated
Mictlan - paparapapa // Defeated
Pangaea - cupido2 // Defeated
Pythium - Arcturus42
Shinuyama - statttis
T'ien Ch'i - Deadnature // Defeated
Ulm - Trumanator // Defeated
Water nations: 3/3
Atlantis - vfb
Oceania - sansanjuan // Defeated
R'lyeh - Isokron // Defeated