I still do not understand why people badmouth Jomon cavalry. The deal is, it is marvelously -resource- efficient. For the same resources, you can have either 1 archer, 1 no-dachi, or 1 cavalry. That cavalry has far superior damage potential in almost any given scenario. They are 3x the gold cost sure, but that's the only reason you build anything else, ever.
Sure, later game, cavalry all share certain vulnerabilities, but in Jomon's case, many of their vulnerabilities are shared with the infantry - but are less pronounced in the cavalry, due to speed in closing with the enemy, and in their high defense skill once in melee.
So yeah, Jomon cav are my favorite cav. <3 Though, having recently discovered the Ancestor Vessels, they are close.

Also played around with MA TC's sacred cav a bit, and they were very fun - except in Fall when I saw they had like 6hp.