Integrating Strategies
I've been playing dominions a lot recently (single player--I don't have very regular internet access, unfortunately), and I am trying to incorporate more magic-based strategies that are more sophisticated than simply massing heavy cavalry (which will usually stomp the computer's armies). The problem I've been having is essentially that I win the battles but lose the war. I get one or two unstoppable juggernaut groups that the computer simply can't win against, but since I have de-emphasized conventional warfare in my pretender picks, I really can't hold the territory I capture and thereby get the resources to expand further.
Any ideas from more veteran players here?
For example, my more recent experiment was with Bandar Log using a W10 bless and communion buffs to make a really nasty thug squad of Yakshas and Yakshinis, unfortunately since I sucked at expanding early on and the monkey's PD isn't worth a darn, I got pushed back to my home territory. So now my thug communion is pushing 300 kills per member (and occupying the entire hall of fame) and all I have is my home province, the 2 water gems a month from my mother of rivers pretender, and a gold income that's barely in the positive. Any ideas on how to fix this?