Re: Does starting or current Max dominion determine temple checks?
Great plan with the 2 province ... island? Alternate plane of reality?
I didn't want to make 25 temples because I thought I'd get temple dom spread halfway across the map, but with 2 isolated provinces, it shouldn't be an issue.
I was worried that when using dom1 and dom2, that dom1 might get lucky and put candle up in the dom2 province, and the RNG would fail to blow it out, leading to massive dom spread by the dom1 nation. dom10 and dom5+5 is a much better bet.
Whether he submitted the post, or whether he did not, made no difference. The Thought Police would get him just the same. He had committed— would still have committed, even if he had never set pen to paper— the essential crime that contained all others in itself. Thoughtcrime, they called it. Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed forever.