I was reading the post on 'Know your Pretender'
and it talked about the Virtue.
I had never thought to even look at it until that thread.
I have a couple of questions to those that know that Pretender.
1. I was told by a very good player that you either go Heat/Cold 0 or you go (all the way 3). Now for the virtue 3 seems extreme and 1 DOES give some points.
So I made 2 builds (feel free to critique them please)
1. E4 S4 A4 Dom 10 O3 S3 H1 L1 M1 Asleep 15 points left over (seems you can't get away from those 15 points).
2. Asleep, E4 S4 A4 Dom 10 O3 S3 H3 L3 (I know but it just seems in this case natural) M1 !5 points left over.
IF you like these builds, WHICH do you like better.
If you would like to critique and perhaps offer some guidance, Please DO.
The Virtue looks like it could be a fun off pace Pretender so i am serious about asking.