So, this is my first mod and I need help in balancing and spriting.
Gnomes are size 1, they have weak, but cheap troops and powerful S and E mages. There are 4 national summons, but 3 of them are a bit changed versions of other units.
Four Con1 W1E1 summon costs 3 water gems, so they are easily massed early - this might help in expanding.
This is still incomplete mod.
All descriptions have many mistakes and typos, can anyone help me with this?
What can I add in? What should I change?

Changes in 0.6
-standartized natural protection (2)
-added new commander (Golden Warlord)
-tweaked morale and precision
-added random path chance to mages
-mages and priests are capital only
-removed "inanimate" from golems
-tweaked leadership
-no more commas in description (I can't make descriptions more "dense", because of my english)
-deleted nation overview and description for rework
Changes in 0.7
-tweaked Glittergold Warrior and Golden Warlord att, def, mor
-given Eagle Rider a riderless shape and tweaked stats
-fixed weapons and morale
-added a new recruit (Gnome Miner)
-Glass Armor is now Enchanted Glass Armor
-Golems are inanimate and mindless again
-added stealth bonus for scout
-added a better description for Golden Warlord (thx Stavis

Changes in 0.71
-added a hero (Gnomish Giant)
Changes in 0.8
-fixed many things, the most significant are:
illusionist are not capitol-only
descriptions! (Thanks to Stavis)
Changes in 0.81
-fixed a bug with hero
P.S. Sorry for my bad english