End of Time 3 - Running
The settings for this game will be as follows:
Llamaserver PBEM game.
Late Age
Map to be determined (depending upon number of water nations)
Random nations (I will indicate to you the nation you have received after you sign up, and will update this thread to show who has what).
10-12 players, depending upon interest.
CB 1.6.
Graphs will be off
We will begin with 24hour quickhost, transition to 48 hours when turns are more complex.
I'd like to encourage newer players to sign up, the best way to get experience is to play!
PM me or post in the thread for a spot.
Players thus far:
johnarryn - Gath
Juffos - Jomon
Quitti - Ermor
Alpine Joe - Pythium
Pelthin - Ulm
Erebus - C'tis
Immaculate - Caelum
ghoul31 - Midgard
Mearlande - Tien Chi
Deathjester - Utgard
Ishamoridin - Man
Last edited by johnarryn; September 29th, 2009 at 04:57 PM..