Originally Posted by vfb
- Disrupting the development of anti-Ermorian technology,
- Destruction of Marignon armies, which could have been used against Ermor,
- Maintain a defensive position in the lands of Utgård, as is necessary to prevent the spread of Ermor, should Jomon fall, or be seduced by the wiles of the undead princes.
Originally Posted by Squirrelloid
Originally Posted by vfb
Mictlan accuses Utgård of the following crimes:
- Disrupting the development of anti-Ermorian technology,
- Destruction of Marignon armies, which could have been used against Ermor.
Verily i tell you, these are grave crimes against the nations of the world, and should be justly punished with righteous anger.
As much as the rising might of Mictlan worries the humble Atlantians, we can not fault their reasoning. We especially support the return of Marignonese lands to their rightful owner.
Hey - we can hear you. We're not the
undeaf you know!
We're starting to get that feeling again, like you all think there's something
different about us. We assure you we are just people. If you prick us do we not bleed?... Uh .. Hey there's nothing coming out...
Why are you looking at us like that?