Originally Posted by vfb
Oh, flashback! Anyone remember the 'secret decoder disk'? It was a cardboard wheel with holes in it, on top of another disk, and you had to align some runes and find the hidden copy protection code. Maybe in some SSI RPG or something?
All of the golden era D&D pc games had these - Pool of Radiance and its sequels (I forget their titles) - also the Death Knights of Krynn series using the same engine and the Savage frontiers series, also using the same engine.
Don't remember if they were SSI. Anyway they had a 'fun' bit of copy protection, which was asking you for the code not only every time you started the game up, but also during the game - here's an example.
There's a maze in the game which takes ages to navigate. At the end of the maze there is a door which has some symbols on it. You're supposed to use the decoder wheel to work out what the symbols mean (they are in elvish and dwarvish). If you do use the decoder wheel it spells out 'NOKNOK'. If you put anything other than NOKNOK in then you get a bit of descriptive text that a monster comes out from under the door and kills your entire party, then the game deletes your previous save as well. Now I had the codewheel, but the first time I ran into this, I just put 'dunno' because I had saved the game and I couldn't be arsed to bother with the codewheel (it was kind of a pain and I was about to shut down the pc). So yay, the game ****ed my only save up. Yay copy protection.