Originally Posted by earcaraxe
There r some fact that i cant deduce from what i have read here and in the manual. I was experiencing (its my first try) with communions this morning, trying to get a feel for it. Here is the list of my commanders:
A - basic mictlan priest, B1H1, enc3
B - mictlan priest with 1 exp. star, B1H1, enc3
C - tepeyocatl A1B1, enc 4
D - hpots, B3F2H3, enc 6
D has 30 blood slaves. (it seems that unlike the other gems, blood slaves are common goods, every commander can use the other's (btw: from what distance can a mage use a blood slave in combat?).
The battle takes place in magic+1.
1 round:
A,B,C casts sabbath slave. using 1 slave apiece, so we r down to 27. A,B gets to 93 fatigue (that I understand), but C to 95 (i think it should be 94 but nvm, its only 1 diff), then D casts sabbath master: number of slaves: 24, so D's fatigue is 28 (just as i expected).
2. round:
D casts hell power. reamining slaves:21. its fatigue is 300 (270 with M+1), so each participant gets about 67. D has B4 now, so it's 33 for him, plus enc, so theoretically he gets to about 33+28=61, which is in reality 60, but its ok. Now the slaves get their share of the fatigue. They get 67 apiece, but because they r just B2 mages (HP is a B3 spell), it should mean 93(1st round)+134(HP)+3(enc)=240 total fatigue for A, right?
In reality his fatigue is just 157, which means he got 64 fatigue from th hell power spell. Its about the one-fourth of 270, so it seems he didnt get penalized for having only B2 for a B3 spell. (?) (its not that he gains HP's effect first then fatigue second, because the master didnt get it either)
300*[1/((4-3)+1)] = 150 fatigue; per person/4 = 37.5 ish per person. However, they are incapable (at b2) of casting the spell, so the encumbrance is doubled.
37.5 * 2 = 75 + 2*2 (their armor encumbrance) + (6/4)*2 = 3.
so the encumbrance should be 82.
You didn't say if this is under vanilla or cbm so the fatigue can vary between 99, 100-, etc.
So after the first round 93 + 82 second round = 175 minus the second turn recuperate. Also minus any additional negatives due to province magic scales.
3. round:
D casts Reinvigoration. new fatigues: A:53,B:47:,C:53,D:0. Counting the reinvigoration5 they got from hell power, thats about -100 fatigue on the slaves (for some mysterious reason B got a little less).
It worth mentioning, that for Reinvigoration D used 2 extra slaves, but didnt need to. My perception is that pots dont cast Reinvigoration unless i script it, and they always used 2 extra slaves so far (two tries only, so small pool of evidences, but its totally needless)
The AI will almost always use gems if casting a spell without gems will result in fatigue going over 100.
I do not off the top of my head remember the cost for Reinvigorate. I seem to recall 300. Regardless, so long as the fatigue is at least 100, all the slaves will cap at 200.
My guess is that reinvigorate is something like b^2*DRN. This is my personal guess, and nowhere documented.
175 fatigue ( -8 province - 4 recuperate) = 163 fatigue
- 16*7=112 fatigue is 51ish fatigue.