My personal discredit to Tien Chi player for total pacifism, and to player subung Patala after Executor (not the last Patala player, whoever this mysterious person is) for not even trying.
I played Patala.
You have insulted me severely twice in the last week in this thread. First in your comments on my simple request to clarify the victory conditions. Second here. I suppose this one you didn't know it's me. Frankly, I assumed you had it figured after my desperate attempt to get clarification in a hurry.
Luckily, you have made it clear that your personal discredit isn't worth the electrons it's sent with.
I made a severe mistake and did not understand the victory conditions. I only realized two turns ago that Midgard was near victory. I took over the position from Executor on turn 45 and have stayed with it the entire game.
My second mistake was worse. I had built up two huge armies planning to astral travel onto Midgard when required. But I didn't finish Thaumaturgy 9 in time. So sadly, I sent every air drop capable thug and sc onto the final battle without supporting trops. And I lost.
This all comes from playing too many games at once. A noob mistake.
At least I can happily say I sent Ctis down the toilet before I wasted my chance.
It was pretty clear to me early that I might as well let Ctis and Bogarus bash each other senseless which they did with great gusto. I just sat back and made clams and prepped SC's. My terrible mistake was in timing. I waited too long to air drop onto Midgard and was left with the only option to drop onto his huge prepared army.