I'm about to start a grand campaign: Oeridia, 65 AI players.
The setup is Single Age (complete), UWGI & CBM 1.6 - I've excluded all nations with a killing dominion or depending on blood sacrifices. The AI's are set to a style that I think 'suits' the theme of the nation, both in difficulty and attitude. On Oerida, that leaves about 19 dry provinces per land nation and 24 sea provinces per underwater nation. I fully expect the whole thing to end with my defeat after an embarrassingly short time.
The question I'm facing now, however, is which nation to choose for myself. Since I'll hopefully be playing this game for a while, I've narrowed it down to a few nations that I enjoy:
- EA C'tis
- EA Ermor
- EA Ulm
- MA C'tis
- MA Man
- MA Pythium
- LA Agartha
Basically nations with a good selection of normal troops, a basic, simple imperial theme (well, except Agartha) and some decent magic (except Ulm, but I lived there, I can't pass them up

Any suggestions? Which one of these nations might be fun to play to the end? Which might become tedious too soon?