Rambo Squad Alert !
I know there's a subforum for discussing OOBs, and equipment and such, but this is so ... nonsensical, and against everything that I heard and read 'bout SPMBT (including from the devs), that I think I might bring it up here in the main forum. My gripe is not only 'bout the unit "design", but that they're in the official release, and that someone "designed" them that way in the first place!
Or am I all wrong?
Check out the rambo-quality "KSK Sec" (Unit 533/538; obat44 W.Germany) (btw: the other KSK Sec and the Fernspah Sec suffer from the same syndrome, too, and poor naming, but not as bad) ... :
Looks like someone applied the "standard" package to them .. rifle, MG, antitank, further goodie. Now, in my understanding, those are commandos - meant to go undetected, on their way in, and on their way out. That won't work with those =>
Numbers - ok, let's count:
4 grunts carrying rifles,
1 of them lugging the Milan launcher,
1 guy hauling the spare Milan.
1 guy has all the MG reserve ammo
1 soldier has the HK69 GL with 16 shots (bit more unwieldy than hand grenades, but come on ...)
1 guy has a MG3 ('tis a bit of nasty-big weapon, so he won't be carrying a lowly rifle)
Wait, that makes at least 5 of them (actually, I'm not sure if you don't need 2 people to haul the Milan launcher around, so let's go with the minimum number)
Oooh-kay, let's assume everyones is running around with a G36 with HK AG36 GL tucked under it (despite the OOBs has it otherwise). Then we have everyone with
- G36 plus 4 shot 40mm GL ammo
and additionally:
1x Milan launcher
1x Spare Milan
1x MG3
1x MG ammo
This might be ok for Rambo, it doesn't make sense for a commando squad IMHO: Surely, a commando does know how to use a MG3, or (maybe) how to fire a Milan. But the OOBs should present the units with their usual equipment, fit to do their usual tasks. So while it might the case that the KSK uses a Milan to blow up something, it's surely not standard every-day equipment, and therefore should be left out of the OOB - a scenario designer can always alter the equipment if he feels the need anyway.
Up to now, I thought the devs are thinking along these lines, too?!
PS - I forgot ... they're even supposed to swim with all that stuff !!
PPS - what I am actually missing is a FO guy in those platoons !?!?
As for AI the most effective work around to this problem so far is to simply use an American instead, they tend to put up a bit more of a fight than your average Artificial Idiot.
... James McGuigan on rec.games.computer.stars somewhen back in 1998 ...
Last edited by Arralen; May 3rd, 2010 at 11:29 AM..